Associazione Internazionale
degli Idrogeologi
Comitato italiano ETS

News, Eventi ed Opportunità

Call for a Postdoc position at Adera

Bandi di ricerca e Premi - Pubblicato il 24 Febbraio 2022

Engineer on reactive transport modeling in hydrogeology

The principal task will consist of numerical modeling relying on a comprehensive data set of fluid flow, aqueous and NAPL phase geochemistry and gas composition collected over 10 years at a contaminated site in Spain. The second task will be to develop a reactive transport model based on flow and infiltration experiments of a metallic trace element in soil piles. There is also an opportunity to manage and contribute to other projects in the technology transfer office.

Minimum Requirements:
A Ph.D. in the field of contaminant hydrogeology, geochemistry, or related, and a record of research competence demonstrated by sustained publication in the peer-reviewed international scientific literature is required. Strong critical thinking, quantitative skills and experience in numerical modeling are required. The ideal candidate will be independent, self-motivated, have good oral and written communication skills, and be well organized. The project is ideally suited for candidates who wish to apply cuttingedge modeling methods to challenging environmental problems and enjoy working in collaboration with industrial partners.

A one-year appointment will begin as soon as a suitable candidate has been identified. The appointment can be extended for one or more years. Salary is dependent upon educational level and experience.

Additional information and application:
Additional information about the position can be obtained from Prof. O. Atteia (, +33 (0)5 56 84 69 11)
Applications should include a CV, concise statement about your motivation to work on this project (in English or French), copies of your academic qualifications and names, emails, and phone numbers of two referees. The application should be submitted to

The deadline has been postpone indefinitely.

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