Associazione Internazionale
degli Idrogeologi
Comitato italiano ETS

News, Eventi ed Opportunità

Opportunità di lavoro - PostDoc position in hydrogeology

Bandi di ricerca e Premi - Pubblicato il 25 Gennaio 2022

Post-doctorate Awards at the Institute of Geosciences, University of São Paulo (IGc-SP), Brazil

The São Paulo State Research Support Foundation (FAPESP) seeks a post-doctorate candidate to develop scientific research at the Institute of Geosciences (IGc-USP) in the following areas: hydrogeology, hydrology, and numerical flow modeling. It is a rare opportunity to develop cutting-edge science with a leading hydrogeology research group in Latin America, with collaborations from Canadian and Japanese researchers.

For additional information:

Contacts: Prof. Dr. Ricardo Hirata ( and Prof. Dr. Alexandra Suhogusoff ( with C/C to