Associazione Internazionale
degli Idrogeologi
Comitato italiano ETS

News, Eventi ed Opportunità

EGU 2020 - sessione HS8.2.9 , "Groundwater flow understanding in water management and environmental problems"

Congressi ed Eventi - Pubblicato il 30 Ottobre 2019

Call for abstracts

The session aims to bring together scientists studying different aspects related to groundwater circulation and management.
Understanding of gravitational groundwater flow requires knowledge of the prevailing flow system from the local to a regional and basin-scales. Moreover, problems connected to groundwater management underline the importance of sustainable development of groundwater resources.
In this context of groundwater flow understanding, the session intends to analyze issues connected to groundwater management and its protection from degradation with respect to quantity and quality (e.g. due to overexploitation, climate change, resource development or contamination). Papers related to methods of defining groundwater flow, and preventing, controlling and mitigating negative environmental impacts related to groundwater, including those in developing countries, are also welcome.
The session is sponsored by the Regional Groundwater Flow Commission of IAH.