Associazione Internazionale
degli Idrogeologi
Comitato italiano ETS

News, Eventi ed Opportunità

EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienna Austria & Online, 14-19 April: sessioni proposte dai soci

Congressi ed Eventi - Pubblicato il 14 Dicembre 2023

The Call for Abstracts for EGU24 closes at 10 January, 13:00 CET


Guidelines on how to submit an abstract:

See also the registration page for more details:


In the following, the sessions proposed by IAH-Italy members.

1) HS8.2.2: The role of groundwater flow systems in solving water management and environmental problems

    Session Convener: Manuela Lasagna; Co-conveners: Jim LaMoreaux, Judit Mádl-Szőnyi, John Molson, Stefania Stevenazzi

The session aims to bring together scientists studying various aspects related to groundwater flow systems, and their role in solving water management and environmental problems.
Understanding groundwater flow systems requires knowledge of the governing processes and conditions from the local to regional and basin-scales, including porous and fractured porous media. Moreover, problems connected to groundwater management underline the importance of a sustainable development and protection of groundwater resources.
In this context, the session intends to analyze issues connected to groundwater management and its protection from degradation and deterioration with respect to quantity and quality (e.g. due to over-exploitation, conflicts in use, climate change, resource development or contamination).
Papers related to methods for characterizing groundwater flow systems, and preventing, managing and mitigating harmful environmental impacts related to groundwater are also welcome.

The session is co-sponsored by IAH – International Association of Hydrogeologists and supported by the Regional Groundwater Flow Commission of IAH.
Further information about the session:


2) HS8.2.5: Remote sensing applications to analyse, monitor and model the impacts due to groundwater extraction

    Session Conveners: Claudia Meisina, Alper Elci, Guadalupe Bru, María Navarro-Hernández, Yueting Li

The session aims to collect contributions on the state of the art and perspectives on the use of Remote sensing products in the framework of the impacts of groundwater extraction (please, find more details at The main topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

• Identification of the impacts of groundwater overexploitation through the use of Remote Sensing data (in particular, InSAR data) , e.g. mapping, monitoring, and predicting ground deformation due to groundwater extraction;

• Innovative methodologies for the hydrogeological characterisation of large-scale overexploited aquifer systems using satellite-based Remote Sensing products (e.g. groundwater storage);

• Development of novel methods for the interpretation of RS products using Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques;

• Novel methods for unraveling processes of ground movements not related to groundwater extraction (e.g., shallow natural compaction, drainage of urban areas and farmlands, new urbanizations, and hydrocarbon production).

• Assimilation of Remote Sensing data into groundwater flow modelling and geomechanical modelling of aquifer systems to simulate future scenarios as a constraint to limit groundwater withdrawal;

• Past and present experiences of integrating Remote Sensing analysis outcomes into management plans for aquifer systems.


3) HS1.1.3: Approaches and technical perspectives to combine flood protection and drought reduction

    Session Convener: Lea Augustin; Co-conveners: Scott Ketcheson, Rudy Rossetto

Global climate change causes an increasing frequency and intensity of floods and droughts. Nevertheless, management strategies and technical compensation and mitigation measures are often thought only from one side of the extreme, like flood retention basins releasing the stored flood water within days instead of keeping it in the region. On the other hand, managed aquifer recharge, especially when applied in drinking water catchments, is often turned off during flooding events, due to
suspected contamination risks to the aquifer. Additionally, natural wetlands and/or the restoration of degraded wetlands can influence catchment water availability and flood and drought severity. Successful management of regional water resources seems to require approaches, tools, and management strategies that combine techniques from flood protection and drought prevention, i.e., combining water retention, treatment, and infiltration in subsurface storage systems (ideally aquifers) for
long-term high-quality uses.

For this session we welcome contributions focusing on the whole strategic and operative management processes of these extreme events including:
• Field studies and modelling experiments for the hydrological hazards, sensitivity, and their consequences
• Interdisciplinary approaches for managing scarce water resources and flooding events and to support decision-making (e.g., public water supply, agriculture, industry, or environmental water use)
• Examples from coupling flood dams with managed aquifer recharge (Flood-MAR) including its legal framework
• Development of fast and robust infiltration and treatment schemes for flood waves
• Development of fast in-situ analytical tools to measure the water quality of the infiltrated water
• Mitigation measures, ranging from technical solutions like storm water storage to an adaptive design of urban and rural areas or operative-working forecasting systems
• Studies that evaluate the role of wetlands in the context of water availability and extreme hydrological events

Further information about the session:


4)  ITS3.26/ERE6.3: From boreholes and digital twins to planning and policy: Communicating the opportunities and challenges in Urban subsurface in the next 10 years. 

Session Convener: Tim Kearsey | Co-conveners: Francesco La Vigna, Stephanie Bricker, Guri Venvik  

Urban areas are in constant development, both above and below the surface. Challenges related to the subsurface are interdisciplinary in nature and geoscience information has traditionally been under-utilized in urban planning, as its significance is often misunderstood or underappreciated. Yet, unforeseen ground conditions during construction are one of the primary causes of construction project delays and overspend. Providing relevant and more accessible geological data to the user at the right time and in the right format is crucial to help save money, improve efficiency in planning and development, in resource extraction (water, geothermal, minerals) and to reduce the impacts of geological hazards. It is important to develop platforms for communication between geoscientists, planners and policy makers. Geoscience-data with data exchange, digital workflows and 3D geological modelling for example, by applying the Building Information Modelling (BIM) and City Information Modelling (CIM) provides a mechanism to represent the city below ground. Progress on this topic would enhance the use of geological data across the construction, infrastructure and planning sectors and allow a digital connection between surface and subsurface data and models. This session welcomes a full range of urban geology contributions that showcase the significance of geoscience in urban settings including collaborative case study projects, research results, data management and policy exemplars, 3D-4D digital twins and urban data-tools for non-geologists. For more information and abstract submission use ink:

Further information about the session: