Associazione Internazionale
degli Idrogeologi
Comitato italiano ETS

News, Eventi ed Opportunità

Water in Geosciences Pisa 2023

Congressi ed Eventi - Pubblicato il 15 Dicembre 2022

1st Conference of Young Researcher organized by PhD students of Pisa Earth Science Department

The conference “Water in Geosciences” aims to address, from a multidisciplinary perspective, the crucial issue of water, as a resource to be studied and managed and as a natural agent influencing land and communities. Key topics will range from tracking water flows in various natural systems, to the study of the resource in contexts subject to environmental pressures and to the landscape shaping capacity of water, often also potentially destructive. Space will be given to an international
set of speakers, including both young researchers and internationally renowned researchers. The conference has the objective of creating an opportunity for PhD students and young researchers to meet and discuss the current and crucial issue of water. Young researchers will also have the opportunity to meet national and international senior researchers and professors to benefit from their expertise.

The conference will be held in Pisa on 2nd and 3rd March 2023 at the Department of Earth Sciences.
Abstract submission and registration to the conference is possible online at the dedicated website (
For further information the email is available.

The conference is sponsored by:
- Società Geochimica Italiana.
- IAH Italian Chapter.
- BeGeo Scientists.
- Museo di Storia Naturale dell’Università di Pisa.
- Museo di Storia Naturale del Mediterraneo (Livorno).
- Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra di Pisa.

The conference is organized by PhD students of the Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Pisa.

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