Special Issue "Assessment of Urban Aquifer Pollution through Statistical Approaches and Numerical Modelling" - Sustainability MDPI
Special issue - Pubblicato il 25 Gennaio 2022
E' aperta la call per l'invio di paper per lo Special Issue "Assessment of Urban Aquifer Pollution through Statistical Approaches and Numerical Modelling" sulla rivista open access Sustainability MDPI (IF 3.251). La scadenza per l'invio è fissata al 29 Maggio 2022.
Comunicazione degli Editori:
Dear Colleagues,
The aim of this Special Issue of Sustainability is to provide an overview of the different and innovative approaches used to assess urban aquifer pollution, in order to gain additional and useful insights on groundwater resource protection.
Contacts: pietro.mazzon@polimi.it
Link to Special Issue: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability/special_issues/urban_aquifer_pollution