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Special issue "Coupled Flow and Reactive Transport Processes in Subsoil" - Water MDPI

Special issue - Pubblicato il 02 Dicembre 2022

E' aperta la call per l'invio di paper per lo Special Issue "Coupled Flow and Reactive Transport Processes in Subsoil" sulla rivista open access Water MDPI (IF 3.530). La scadenza per l'invio è fissata al 30 maggio 2023.

Comunicazione degli Editori:

Dear Colleagues,

The Special Issue entitled “Coupled Flow and Reactive Transport Processes in Subsoil” focuses on the use of analytical or numerical approaches concerning flow and reactive transport processes in aquifers. Several essential and practical issues of the reactive transport processes within the vadose and saturated portions of aquifers, which are crucial to solve engineering and environmental problems, have not yet been understood in detail and are still not widely used to support decision-making

The numerical quantitative approach offers the opportunity to better identify and understand the physical and biogeochemical processes’ dynamics which happens in the aquifer, occurring both in the vadose and saturated zone of aquifers and helping scientists and technicians to identify the most effective solutions.

Our goal is to gather manuscripts discussing the mentioned topics, including recent experimental, analytical, and numerical results related to the study of complexities in reproducing flow and reactive transport processes in variably saturated porous media across a wide range of spatial and temporal scales (including uncertainty analysis and risk assessment of operations).

In particular, we warmly welcome contributions related to the following topics of interest:

  • Flow processes in porous media and fractured rocks.
  • Reactive transport processes in the vadose zone and saturated portions of aquifers.
  • Biogeochemistry and reactive transport.
  • Isotope fractionation models.
  • Coupled hydraulic, thermal, chemical, and biological processes.
  • Recent laboratory experiments on the main parameters affecting reactive transport processes in subsoil.
  • Advanced numerical modeling or analytical framework and methods.

Guest Editors:
Dr. Matteo Antelmi
Dr. Diego Di Curzio
Dr. Pietro Mazzon
Dr. Emiel Kruisdijk

Link to Special Issue:

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