Special Issue “ Environmental Pollution and Bioremediation Technology” - Applied Sciences MDPI
E' aperta la call per lo Special Issue “Environmental Pollution and Bioremediation Technology” sulla rivista scientifica Applied Sciences MDPI. Il termine per l'invio di contributi è fissato al 30 agosto 2023.
La declaratoria recita:
This Special Issue will present new ideas and experimental results in the fields of bioremediation and environmental monitoring that address the performance and integration of different bioremediation techniques in order to determine the most appropriate and operative one (or a combination) to treat polluted sites successfully with a focus on the propagation and migration of contaminants in the environment.
I guest editor, che coprono le diverse tematiche oggetto della Special Issue, sono la Dr. Sara Remelli (UniPR), il Prof. Fulvio Celico (UniPR) e il Dr. Pietro Rizzo (UniPR).
Tutte le informazioni nel Flyer allegato e al seguente link: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/applsci/special_issues/4D79B762LC