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Special Issue "Groundwater Management in a Changing World: Challenges and Endeavors" - Water MDPI

Special issue - Pubblicato il 07 Luglio 2021

E' aperta la call per l'invio di paper per lo Special Issue "Groundwater Management in a Changing World: Challenges and Endeavors" sulla rivista open access Water MDPI. La scadenza per l'invio è fissata al 15 Aprile 2022.

Comunicazione dell'Editore:

"Dear Colleagues,

Groundwater provides essential freshwater supply, particularly in dry regions, karst regions and anywhere surface water availability is limited.

Erratic rainfall patterns and more extreme weather events caused by climate change can lead to longer periods of droughts and floods, which directly affects groundwater storage and the vulnerability of freshwater resources.

Climate changes and anthropic activities have impacts on both the quality and quantity of available groundwater, primarily affecting recharge, evapotranspiration and reservoir safe yield and thus the sustainability of freshwater resources.

Nowadays, predicting how climate change could qualitatively and quantitatively impact groundwater systems is difficult not only because of uncertainties in the predictions of future climate but also due to the complex combinations of processes that affect groundwater recharge, discharge and quality.

Therefore, a better understanding of how climate change could affect groundwater systems will require long-term monitoring of the interaction between climate and groundwater recharge, storage and discharge, as well as the development and testing of models that more completely represent both the long- and shortterm connections between climate and groundwater, both in terms of water balances and water quality.

In this context, traditional water resources planning models must be abandoned and new paradigms must be adopted for improving integrated water resources management: Reused water for irrigation and groundwater recharge, to prevent aquifer’s depletion and seawater intrusion

Recycled water is a largely untapped water source that could be used to protect the critically overdrawn aquifers. Managed Artificial Recharge is a promising adaptation measure to increase groundwater resilience to climate change. It can be utilized to recharge aquifers subject to declining yields for future use or drought mitigation, to control saltwater intrusion or to prevent land subsidence.

Prof. Claudia Cherubini
Guest Editor"

Ulteriori info sul tema dello Special Issue e sulle modalità di invio dei paper sono disponibili al link: