Special Issue “Tracers and Isotopes Hydrology Innovative Techniques and Significant Challenges” - Water MDPI
E' aperta la call per l'invio di paper per lo Special Issue "Tracers and Isotopes Hydrology Innovative Techniques and Significant Challenges" sulla rivista open access Water MDPI (IF 3.530). La scadenza per l'invio è fissata al 30 marzo 2023.
Comunicazione degli Editori:
Dear Colleagues,
Water protection plans, environmental problems, groundwater vulnerability, and engineering geology studies are some of the challenging issues emerging in recent years, to which Tracer and Isotope Hydrology can offer a considerable contribution. Considering this, recent hydrogeological conceptual models integrate water balance results with isotopic and tracers data, as an example.
The purpose of the Special Issue is therefore to present some new techniques employed in hydrology and hydrogeology studies to improve traditional method solutions. In this context, a particular focus will be therefore given to emerging techniques and challenges faced by researchers in the use of natural and/or artificial tracers.
Some issues (although not limited to) can attain to:
- Natural and artificial tracers in recharge studies on the different kinds of aquifers and/or hydro-structures;
- The application of new methods of isotope data processing to hydrological and hydrogeological problems;
- The use of tracing techniques to applied hydrogeological and engineering geology investigations;
- The use of artificial tracers to investigate the actual groundwater flowpaths and aquifer contacts for stratigraphic or tectonic features in complex environmental contexts;
- The development of new tracers and new techniques of measure, tested both in the lab and the environment;
- Studies on surface leaking from lakes, rivers, or reservoirs into groundwater bodies;
- Isotopic fractionation processes due to the infiltration through the soil, snowmelt, complex orography, and so on.
Link to Special Issue: