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Vassena, Chiara; Rienzner, Michele; Ponzini, Giansilvio; Giudici, Mauro; Gandolfi, Claudio; Durante, Cinzia; Agostani, DavideModelling hydrostratigraphy and groundwater flow of a fractured and karst aquifer in a Mediterranean basin (Salento peninsula, southeastern Italy)
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Giudici, Mauro; Margiotta, Stefano; Mazzone, Fiorella; Negri, Sergio; Vassena, ChiaraCarbon isotope fractionation of chlorinated ethenes during oxidation by Fe <sup>2+</sup> activated persulfate
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Gori, S.; Falcucci, E.; Atzori, S.; Chini, M.; Moro, M.; Serpelloni, E.; Fubelli, G.; Saroli, M.; Devoti, R.; Stramondo, S.; Galadini, F.; Salvi, S.
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