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Rivista Advances in Water ResourcesAnno 2012DOI 10.1016/j.advwatres.2012.06.009Autori
Pasetto, D.; Camporese, M.; Putti, M.Bench scale laboratory tests to analyze non-linear flow in fractured media
Rivista Hydrology and Earth System SciencesAnno 2012DOI 10.5194/hess-16-2511-2012Autori
Cherubini, C.; Giasi, C.I.; Pastore, N.Geological evidence of pre-2012 seismic events, Emilia-Romagna, Italy
Rivista Annals of GeophysicsAnno 2012DOI 10.4401/ag-6148Autori
Caputo, R.; Iordanidou, K.; Minarelli, L.; Papathanassiou, G.; Poli, M.E.; Rapti-Caputo, D.; Sboras, S.; Stefani, M.; Zanferrari, A.Liquefaction phenomena along the paleo-Reno River caused by the May 20, 2012, Emilia (northern Italy) earthquake
Rivista Annals of GeophysicsAnno 2012DOI 10.4401/ag-6147Autori
Papathanassiou, G.; Caputo, R.; Rapti-Caputo, D.Groundwater field measurements for stream seepage estimation
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Andrea Sottani; Matteo Berti; Luca Vettorello; Roberto PedronUnderstanding groundwater processes by representing aquifer heterogeneity in the Maules Creek Catchment, Namoi Valley (New South Wales, Australia) [Compréhension des processus d'écoulement souterrain par représentation de l'hétérogénéité de l'aquifère du captage Maules Creek, vallée Namoi (Nouvelle-Galles du Sud, Australie)]
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Sdao, Francesco; Parisi, Serena; Kalisperi, Despina; Pascale, Stefania; Soupios, Pantelis; Lydakis-Simantiris, Nikos; Kouli, MariaGeomorphology and GIS analysis for mapping landslide in the Camastra basin (Basilicata, South Italy)
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Conforti, M.; Pascale, S.; Muto, F.; Robustelli, G.; Sdao, F.Use of remote sensing data to landslide change detection: Montescaglioso large landslide (Basilicata, Southern Italy)
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Pascale, S.; Pastore, V.; Sdao, F.; Sole, A.; Roubis, D.; Lorenzo, P.From conceptual to numerical modelling of a complex contaminated site in Italy using hydrogeological and hydrochemical characterization
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Bozzano, F.; Colombani, N.; Mastrocicco, M.; Petitta, M.Impact of the 6 April 2009 L'Aquila earthquake on groundwater flow in the Gran Sasso carbonate aquifer, Central Italy
Rivista Hydrological ProcessesAnno 2011DOI 10.1002/hyp.7933Autori
Amoruso, A.; Crescentini, L.; Petitta, M.; Rusi, S.; Tallini, M.Interaction between deep and shallow groundwater systems in areas affected by Quaternary tectonics (Central Italy): A geochemical and isotope approach
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Petitta, M.; Primavera, P.; Tuccimei, P.; Aravena, R.Modelling the density contrast effect on a chlorinated hydrocarbon plume reaching the shore line
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Mastrocicco, M.; Colombani, N.; Petitta, M.Multi-chemical and isotope approach for studying shallow and deep groundwater interaction in an urban area: The case of Tivoli Plain (central Italy)
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Rivista Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the EnvironmentAnno 2011DOI 10.1007/s10064-010-0342-7Autori
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